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Hello, I'm Ryan!

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My Resume

About Me

I grew up in Douglaston, a suburb of Queens, New York. I am currently a junior at Northwestern University majoring in Manufacturing & Design Engineering (MaDE) with minors in Computer Science and Art Theory & Practice. At Northwestern, I have embraced McCormick's whole-brain engineering philosophy, combining both left brain thinking - analysis, logic, synthesis, and mathematics - with right brain thinking - intuition, metaphorical thought, and creativity. To relax, I enjoy listening to different genres of music and painting my favorite album covers.

My Projects

At Northwestern, I have had the opportunity to work on several engineering design projects.
Click on each icon to learn more.

My Artwork

I love being creative! Explore this slideshow to see some of my favorite pieces.


For the past two years, I have held the position of Design Editor for Northwestern's student-run music magazine, WAVELENGTH.

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Shattered Ring

Short film documentary focused on the 1980 Olympic Boycott, specifically highlighting the plight of Olympic rower Anita DeFrantz.

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Music Mural

A past-time of mine is painting the covers of my favorite albums. The image above depicts 36 of them hanging up in my room.

12 Greek Myths

One of my favorite artists is Keith Haring. I emulated his style to create this painting consisting of 12 panels, each depicting a different Greek myth.

Tech's Dream

A stop-motion film using the foldable desks in the Ryan Auditorium of Northwestern University.

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Designed the logo for ULIMI Tongue of Culture, a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering pride and cultural awareness among African American youth. The logo was inspired by the Adinkra symbol Sankofa, which translates to "learning from the past to shape the future."